Saturday, March 15, 2014

Working On A Blankie

 I have been working on this blanket for what seems like forever.  Not because it is hard, but because it is easy to set down and start something else.  I have a bad habit of starting more than one project at once.  I finish them don't get me wrong. I seem to get the harder projects done first.  Or the projects that I make for other people.
  Well I found this yarn. Lion Brand Amazing in Violets colorway.  I love it and wanted a throw for myself.  Well I started an easy two by two seed stitch and I haven't finished.  Why haven't I, because it is for me..
  I will get it done.
  I have heard of yarn talk of yarn snobs on a group that I belong to.  Well I say to those better than thou people you haven't lived until you had to do without.  I grew up where if you didn't grow it you didn't eat it.  You worked for what you had and you didn't complain.  I am proud that I grew up with those values.
  My sister and I cleaned the pastors house twice a week for a whole $.50.  Then when I was 16 I went to work in a nursing home.  That was hard work.  I had change my share of baby diapers but when you clean up and elderly person it is a different story.  It is a sad place to work.  From there I went to build horse barns in hot Texas weather.  Then I got married had babies and was a stay at home mother.  After my kids were big enough to take care of themselves I went back to work 60 hours a week at a bar-b-que restaurant. Then I went to work in a grocery store deli that served breakfast, lunch, fried chicken, burgers and stuff like that.  A case of chicken weighs about 45 pounds.  I lifted a lot of chicken every day.  Six days a week because it was hard to keep help.  Nobody wanted to work.
  One day I woke up and I couldn't move.  I was in so much pain I thought I was doing to die.  I went to specialist that told me," You have scoliosis".  I was 37.  Who doesn't know they have a crooked back.  Well I didn't.  They couldn't do anything for me.  It was too advanced.  And guess what they wanted me to do?  Go to a pain management specialist.  They wanted to pump me full of drugs and send me on my way.  Not me.
  I was told don't go to a chiropractor, they will mess you up.  Well I found one and he didn't mess me up I was up and walking again.
  I know what you are thinking what does this have to do with yarn.  I love the fact that I can find yarn that is not expensive and is really pretty with a nice feel.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Here it is.

 I need to get my final measurements down and print the pattern.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Getting Old An Stuff Like That

 I guess I am not normal.  I am not worried about getting old.  So I get grey hair, everything droops and sags.  It is what it is and that's that.  I get cranky when I see adds for creams and crud and the woman in those adds look like they should be in grade school.
  Ok enough of the crabbing.
  I completed the cart seat cover.  I need to make sure all is good and I will post the pattern.  It fits the grocery carts where I shop.
  It is all pieces and then they are sewn together.  I made chains with a crochet hook for the ties but anything would work.
  Each piece is knit on the long knifty knitter using both sides to make double knit.  Just basic knit.  The front and back pieces are knit with the full loom, the side pieces are knit using 20 pegs on each board.  The leg pieces are knit on 10 pegs and you make three strips.
  I will have the pictures down loaded later today I hope.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Grocery Cart Seat Cover

 I am working on the sides of the seat of the cover.

Knit on the long knifty knitter
double knit a panel 20" long the full width of the loom both rails 30 pegs each then bind off.
Next comes the seat
I attached from the bottom of the piece on the side take the loops and put them on 18 pegs.
wrap the pegs once and flip the loops you placed on the pegs.
then wrap again.
You will make an attached piece on each side 16" long.
That is as far as I am.
The next part will be leg opening and the front and then the ties.