On the looms right now is a sock on the KB sock loom and on the all in one is a footie. On the round loom is a Christmas stocking. So no I don't have anything going.
My grandson keeps me busy, but I love every minute of it.
My friend wants a magic scarf for her sister and she wants me to teach her to make it. That is going to be fun. I do have a needle knit afghan that I have been putting off. Oh well one day at a time.
We are expecting some cold nasty weather here in the next few days. So all the animals have to have a little extra feed and plenty of water. Cold doesn't seem to bother the turkeys. I did get the eggs from Virginia. Yes they are northern turkeys. The dogs have lots of bedding and a warm place to go. And as far as my plants go, what needed to come in is indoors. I just hope we don't have a lot of frozen precip.
I have the patter for the loomed footie on the all-in-one KB loom.
Cast on 70
12 rows of garter stitch, knit one row, purl one row.
row 1. p1, k to the last three stitches k2tog. p1 { to do this you are going to have to move stitches. The second stitch moves to the third stitch, and the first stitch moves to where the the second stitch was. The second to the last stitch moves over to the where the third to the last stitch is and the last stitch moves the where the second to the last was.}
row 2. I slip the first stitch but you can just purl it if you want. knit until the last stitch and purl the last stitch.
Repeat these two rows until you have 36 or 38 stitches depending on how high your instep is.
Garter stitch for 12 rows.
Bind off loosely and seam it up'
TA DA you have one slipper repeat.
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