Thursday, January 23, 2014

Working On A New Pattern

 I am working on a new pattern for fingerless mittens. I am also making a pair of socks and Pam's shawl. Pam have a vlog on youtube, under Pam Loomer. She also has a group on Google plus.
I know too many projects at once.  I can't help myself.  One is never enough.
 Why is it that when you make a pair of socks, the second one seems to take so much longer? Or at least it does for me.
 I had to close my turkeys up.  The youngest hen that I hatched by herself doesn't want to be a turkey.  She wants to be with the dogs.  I found her sleeping with our dogs in their shed.  She left a mess behind.  If she only would learn to do her business outside.
  This guy likes to come visit.  Blue heron they are water foul and rather large.

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