Monday, September 29, 2014

The Beginning

 When did you start looming?  I started looming long before there were any looms that I knew of in stores.  There was no Wal-Mart to run to back then.  Makes me seem old.  I grew up in a small town.  More of a community than a town.  Town was ten miles away, and it was a small town.  We had a five and dime store, grocery store Mongomery Wards, a clothing store, drug store and a dollar store.  There wasn't a lot.  I got to go "to town" with my mother, grandmother, sisters and brother and my handicapped aunt.  She stayed in the car with me or my sister.  If we stayed in the car with her we got a treat from our grandmother.  I didn't mind sitting with her.  It gave my time to think and daydream.
  I have always been a bit of a dreamer.  I just didn't know then that you can turn dreams into reality.
  My first taste of loom knitting was when my dad drove nails into a board so I could weave.  There was so internet to get directions so it was trial and error.  That was the fun part of it.
  What I want do is help others to learn and enjoy loom knitting.  There is no wrong way to do it.  What was first taught with the first plastic looms seems almost out of date.  You can make knit and purl stitches, lace and short rows.  The possibilities are endless.
  Ok what is on the loom now it square two of my afghan.  I will have the pattern posted on the 15 of next month.
  Remember, if you can't enjoy what you are doing then it is time to try something else.

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