Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Anyone who has ever lived in Texas for any period of time knows that the weather is, well hot and sticky most of the time. 
  Well we had a bit of nice cool weather with low humidity. It was soooooo wonderful. Then BAM we are back it the 80's.
  Any woman who, how do I put this delicately, has big boobs knows that when it is hot you sweat.
Normally it is no big deal. Put heat and humidity in after dry cool and you have a pain in or should I say under the boobs.
 I have been given advice like"use a little powder under the girls." That is fine if you do it before you get sweaty.
 Then I found this stuff, Boudreaux's Butt paste.  The best stuff ever.
 Ok enough about that.  I am working on changing the slipper pattern so that it doesn't have all the moved stitches.  I have socks going on two looms and I need to finish them.
  Everybody wants socks and slippers.  I will make a few for gifts.
  People that don't knit or crochet have no idea how much yarn can cost.  That is why we go crazy when there is a sale.  And yes they are going to get acrylic yarn. It last longer and you can wash it.
 I am off the feed the turkeys and chickens.

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