Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I need a new camera. Not because I want to take pictures or video s of the normal things in my life, but what I can only show in a video.
  I have al
ways loved animals. I raised everything from dogs and cats to baby squirrels.
Well for some unknown reason, animals Do not act normal around me.  It is more like I am one of them. Sounds crazy I know but it is true.
 I raise standard bronze turkeys. Not anything strange there, but it is how one hen reacts when I go check on her. She runs up to me and lays on the ground like she would for a Tom when she was ready to breed. And yes she is with a very handsome Tom. I have posted pictures of him.
  Getting to the point, I need to make a video to show that I am not crazy. Or maybe I am. That's not even the craziest animal interaction that I have with animals. There is a pair of whistling ducks that come to visit.  This morning they were in a tree in my front yard. When I went outside they flew down and walked with me to the turkeys.
  Now you know why I need a new camera since my old one leaves lines in the video.


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