Saturday, May 10, 2014

Who Is Wrong Who Is Right

 I get so tired of craft people thinking that if a pattern comes out that you have to follow it to the letter.  I have news for you.  You are your own person you can make your project however you want.
 I have read post on some sites where someone put their own spin on a loom knit pattern and they were blasted by other loomers.  Grow up people.
 When I knit or crochet or loom knit I make it my own. I change things in the patterns that I don't like and make it the way I want.
 Enough of me on my soap box.  I have been quiet lately mostly because I have been busy with all thing spring and a grandson that I can't seem to say no to.
 I am working on a ten stitch blanket loom knit.  I am also knitting a pair of socks and I have an afghan that I am knitting.  I haven't gotten pictures up but I will soon.  I am also going to work up a pattern for the all-in-one loom.  I am hoping to do a knit along.  I will post that as soon as I get my pattern finished.

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