Friday, November 14, 2014


 Ouch I just realized that it is the 14th.  I try to have a pattern for a square posted by the 15th and I have not written it up yet.  Oh well it is going to be what it is.
  I am working on Christmas projects.  That's my excuse and I am sticking with it.  I haven't done a lot of looming.  I have been doing some needle knitting.  You can do both.  I have read some comments that loom knitting can not be compared.  Well needle nose there are some projects that you can not tell which did which.
  I am going to be making a baby afghan for my sister-in-law soon.  I have a lot of time to do that one.  I am hoping I will be able to write up a loom pattern for it to share.
  It is cold here in Texas.  I am enjoying it.  We don't get a lot of cold here.  I live 100 miles from the coast.  It is flat as a pancake in this part of Texas.  If you travel just 25 miles north it turns into gentle hills.  The farther north you go the bigger the hills.  There are all kinds of landscapes in Texas.  Now I sound like a travel Texas add.  LOL

This is what I picked so I wouldn't loose that to the freeze.  Eggplant.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tunisian Crochet

 I have restarted my desire to do Tunisian crochet.  I have been playing around with it for years.  I will be posting some of the things that I made soon.  I might even give a few tips and tricks to learn this old craft.
  Tunisian is almost a cross between knit and crochet.  There is no wrong way to do it either, only a few basic rules to follow.  You can make it your own.
  After I learned how to crochet I played around with different things.  I would load up my crochet hook up with loops and take them off.  I had no idea that it had a name, or it was even real stitches.  Then years later I found a long crochet hook at a second hand store.  It was called crochet knit hooks.  The two crochet hooks were connected by a cord.  There were not a lot of directions with it.  There was no internet to search.  It was all trial and error.  It is still trial and error.  Maybe that is why I like it so much.
  So my thought for the day is, make your crafts the way you want.  Make it your own and enjoy it.  If someone tells you that it is wrong, tell them it is my invention.  Like it or lump it.
  Have a super day.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Day Of Fun

 Yesterday I babysat my grandson.  Fun, he is a blast.  I never thought that having grandchildren would be so great.  There is something different about caring for your grandchildren than when you cared for your children.  I am sure that there are some out there that cringe at the thought of being grandparents.  Not me.  It is wonderful.  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that there is not as much pressure on you to do everything perfect.
  Ok back to the pattern for my second square.

Cast on 34
1) K
2) P
3) K
4) P
5) K 7, P4, (K4,P4) to last 7 K7
6) P3, ( K4,P4) to last 7 K4, P3
7) repeat row 5
8) repeat row 6
9) K3, P1, (K4,P4) to last 6 K3, P3
10) P6, (K4, P4) to last 4 P4
11) repeat row 9
12) repeat row 10
13) K3, P2, ( K4, P4) to last 5 K5
14) P3, K2, (P4, K4) to last 5 P5
15) repeat row 13
16) repeat row 14
as you can now see on the 5th row you will add a purl or knit stitch to the moving rib stitch pattern.
17) K3, P3,( K4, P4) to last 4 K1 P 3
18) P3 K1, ( P4, K4 ) to last 6 P6
19) repeat row 17
20) repeat row 18
21) K3, ( P4,K4) to last 3 K3
22) P7, ( K4,P4) to last 7 P7
23) repeat row 21
24) repeat row 22
keep going in this manner until it reaches 1/2 inch shorter than the length of the first square. then you K 1 row
P 1 row
K 1 row
P 1 row bind off
If you make sure it is the same length as the first square they will all be the same size.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Fun Square

 I am working on the next square in my afghan.  I am going to call this on ribs on the move.  I starts out just like the first square with a knit four purl rib, then after you complete four rows you move a stitch over.
 Cast on 34
1) K across
2) P across
3) K
4) P
5) K3,(K4, P4) to last 7 K7
6) P3, (K4,P4) to last 7 K4, P3
7) repeat row 5
8) repeat row 6
9) K3,P1,(K4,P4) to last 6 K6
10) P3,K3,(P4,K4) to last 4 P4
11) repeat row 9
12) repeat row 10
13) K3,P2,(K4,P4) to last 5 K5
14) P3,K2,(P4,K4) to last 5 K2, P3
15) repeat row 13
16) repeat row 14
This keep moving one stitch over every 4 rows.  I will post more later.

  What going on here.  It has turned back into summer here.  Hot humid and sunny.  Oh well I live in Texas what can I expect.
  I have been working on a little Tunisian crochet.  Two color work with a cro-hook.  It is a change of pace.  It is so close to crochet but also knit.  It is fun.  It is another one of those things I started years ago before I knew there was a name for it.  I am a yarn addict.  Plain and simple.  I can't seem to get away from it, but why would I want to?
  I am also working on the needle knit square for this afghan also.  I need to get moving.  It is getting close to the 15th.  I have decided that I won't put pressure on myself.  I will get it done in due time.  This afghan doesn't have a time limit.  If anyone wants to follow along they are welcome.  I hope to have enough squares finished to have a nice cough size afghan.  Well I guess I will have to if I don't just put the needle knit and the loom knit ones together.  I might just do that.
 What do you think? I think it would be nice to figure out which square is which. I have loom knit needle knit patterns before.  I make a slipper that worked out well on a loom.  By golly I might just do that.
  I am going to call it a night and put it up for now.  Night all.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Beginning

 When did you start looming?  I started looming long before there were any looms that I knew of in stores.  There was no Wal-Mart to run to back then.  Makes me seem old.  I grew up in a small town.  More of a community than a town.  Town was ten miles away, and it was a small town.  We had a five and dime store, grocery store Mongomery Wards, a clothing store, drug store and a dollar store.  There wasn't a lot.  I got to go "to town" with my mother, grandmother, sisters and brother and my handicapped aunt.  She stayed in the car with me or my sister.  If we stayed in the car with her we got a treat from our grandmother.  I didn't mind sitting with her.  It gave my time to think and daydream.
  I have always been a bit of a dreamer.  I just didn't know then that you can turn dreams into reality.
  My first taste of loom knitting was when my dad drove nails into a board so I could weave.  There was so internet to get directions so it was trial and error.  That was the fun part of it.
  What I want do is help others to learn and enjoy loom knitting.  There is no wrong way to do it.  What was first taught with the first plastic looms seems almost out of date.  You can make knit and purl stitches, lace and short rows.  The possibilities are endless.
  Ok what is on the loom now it square two of my afghan.  I will have the pattern posted on the 15 of next month.
  Remember, if you can't enjoy what you are doing then it is time to try something else.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

First Square

Cast on 34

1) Purl
2) Knit
3) Purl
4) Knit

That is the border.  The first 3 and last 3 stitches will be the edge stitches.

Pattern Repeat
1) p3, ( K4, P4,) repeat to the last 3 sts. P3

2) K3, ( K4, P4,) repeat to last 3 sts. K3

3) repeat row 1

4) repeat row 2

5) Knit across

6) Purl across

7) P3,( P4, K4 ) repeat to last 3 P3

8) K3, (K4, P4,) repeat to last 3 K3

9) Repeat row 7

10) Repeat row 8

11) Knit across

12) Purl across

Repeat rows 1-12 4 times

Repeat row 1-4 once

Knit across

Purl across

Knit across

Purl across and bind off. Now you have the first square.  Set it aside and get ready for square 2.

You can use any loom you want and any yarn in the gauge for that loom.  I used the Martha Stewart loom in the smaller gauge.  The yarn was given to me without the bands.  My final project I am going to use Lion Brand Wool Ease.  I am a big Lion Brand fan.

Friday, September 12, 2014

One Down

 I finished the first square of my afghan.  I needle knit and loom knit one.  It will work for either.  The loom square will be written different from the needle square.  When you loom knit you only knit on the public side, the side you see.  I know it can be confusing about garter stitch for some.  I will make it as easy as I can so whoever wants to knit along they can.
  The pattern will be posted on the 15. I will try to post another square every month until We have enough to sew together for an afghan.  I will give tips on how to finish the project.
  Each square won't take very long to complete.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Waiting For A Cool Down

 I can't wait till we have cooler weather.  It hasn't been as hot here this summer, but cool weather is always welcome.  I have not been loom knitting much this summer.  Partly because of the heat and partly because I have been a little busy. 
  It is hard to say no to my grandson.  He is all boy.  If it has wheels he likes it, tractors, trucks and cars. 
  I will be working on a sampler afghan.  It will be made up of squares that can be loom knit in your choice of yarn on your choice of loom..The gauge of the loom will determine the size of your squares.  If you want a larger afghan you will have to make multiple squares. 
  I will leave colors and yarn type up to you. 
These pattern will also work on knitting needles.  I will make notes in the patterns. 
  The first square will be posted around the 15th of this month. I will see how many I can get in by the end of the month. I will shoot for two in a month.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Slow It Tis

 I have nothing to post about my loom knitting.  I have a little guy toddling around my house so I can't seem to get to my loom knitting.  I am working on a ten stitch blanket and as soon as I have a little progress I will post pictures.
  I have been working on a pair of spiral tube sock knit on needles.  I am half way through with one sock.  I wonder why?

Monday, June 30, 2014

Foot stool

 I have finished the foot stool.  It is made up of a flat panel loom knit on a large gauge loom.  You knit in garter stitch for about 30".  Then you seam up the cast off and cast on edges.  Using a good strong yarn the draw up the other two sides and stuff it.  It is one of those make it your own projects.

Friday, May 23, 2014

loom along in the future

Ok so I haven't been looming a lot but I am working on a project to share with everyone.
I will let you know what it is when I finish. I think it will be a fun project.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I need a new camera. Not because I want to take pictures or video s of the normal things in my life, but what I can only show in a video.
  I have al
ways loved animals. I raised everything from dogs and cats to baby squirrels.
Well for some unknown reason, animals Do not act normal around me.  It is more like I am one of them. Sounds crazy I know but it is true.
 I raise standard bronze turkeys. Not anything strange there, but it is how one hen reacts when I go check on her. She runs up to me and lays on the ground like she would for a Tom when she was ready to breed. And yes she is with a very handsome Tom. I have posted pictures of him.
  Getting to the point, I need to make a video to show that I am not crazy. Or maybe I am. That's not even the craziest animal interaction that I have with animals. There is a pair of whistling ducks that come to visit.  This morning they were in a tree in my front yard. When I went outside they flew down and walked with me to the turkeys.
  Now you know why I need a new camera since my old one leaves lines in the video.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Who Is Wrong Who Is Right

 I get so tired of craft people thinking that if a pattern comes out that you have to follow it to the letter.  I have news for you.  You are your own person you can make your project however you want.
 I have read post on some sites where someone put their own spin on a loom knit pattern and they were blasted by other loomers.  Grow up people.
 When I knit or crochet or loom knit I make it my own. I change things in the patterns that I don't like and make it the way I want.
 Enough of me on my soap box.  I have been quiet lately mostly because I have been busy with all thing spring and a grandson that I can't seem to say no to.
 I am working on a ten stitch blanket loom knit.  I am also knitting a pair of socks and I have an afghan that I am knitting.  I haven't gotten pictures up but I will soon.  I am also going to work up a pattern for the all-in-one loom.  I am hoping to do a knit along.  I will post that as soon as I get my pattern finished.

Friday, April 4, 2014

What's Cooking

 I thought I would talk about something different today.  One of my many passions, cooking.  I have always loved to cook and bake.  Then one day I lost some of my desire to do any of it.
 About three years ago I found out that I have celiacs disease.  What the hay bails is that you ask? Celiac disease is a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing parts of food that are important for staying healthy. The damage is due to a reaction to eating gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats. I know TMI but I think I need to be honest.
 Just think someone that loved to bake breads roles and other wonderful treats can no longer eat them.  So you feel like why should I want to bake them at all.  So for a long while I didn't even want to cook anything.  Not even gluten free foods.
  Well I am getting over that finally.  I am getting my passion back.
  Today I am making a Tex-Mex style dinner. Here is what it has in it and it is all gluten free.
2 lbs. pork loin cut into pieces
1 cup chicken stock( home made or store bought make sure it is gf)
1 onion cubed
1 bell pepper cubed
2 or more cloves of garlic
1 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. chili powder
1 1/2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 jalapeno pepper if desired
place in a slow cooker on high for 6 hours
Then stir to break up the pork
Serve with gf corn tortillas
top with cheese, sour cream and salsa

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Working On A Blankie

 I have been working on this blanket for what seems like forever.  Not because it is hard, but because it is easy to set down and start something else.  I have a bad habit of starting more than one project at once.  I finish them don't get me wrong. I seem to get the harder projects done first.  Or the projects that I make for other people.
  Well I found this yarn. Lion Brand Amazing in Violets colorway.  I love it and wanted a throw for myself.  Well I started an easy two by two seed stitch and I haven't finished.  Why haven't I, because it is for me..
  I will get it done.
  I have heard of yarn talk of yarn snobs on a group that I belong to.  Well I say to those better than thou people you haven't lived until you had to do without.  I grew up where if you didn't grow it you didn't eat it.  You worked for what you had and you didn't complain.  I am proud that I grew up with those values.
  My sister and I cleaned the pastors house twice a week for a whole $.50.  Then when I was 16 I went to work in a nursing home.  That was hard work.  I had change my share of baby diapers but when you clean up and elderly person it is a different story.  It is a sad place to work.  From there I went to build horse barns in hot Texas weather.  Then I got married had babies and was a stay at home mother.  After my kids were big enough to take care of themselves I went back to work 60 hours a week at a bar-b-que restaurant. Then I went to work in a grocery store deli that served breakfast, lunch, fried chicken, burgers and stuff like that.  A case of chicken weighs about 45 pounds.  I lifted a lot of chicken every day.  Six days a week because it was hard to keep help.  Nobody wanted to work.
  One day I woke up and I couldn't move.  I was in so much pain I thought I was doing to die.  I went to specialist that told me," You have scoliosis".  I was 37.  Who doesn't know they have a crooked back.  Well I didn't.  They couldn't do anything for me.  It was too advanced.  And guess what they wanted me to do?  Go to a pain management specialist.  They wanted to pump me full of drugs and send me on my way.  Not me.
  I was told don't go to a chiropractor, they will mess you up.  Well I found one and he didn't mess me up I was up and walking again.
  I know what you are thinking what does this have to do with yarn.  I love the fact that I can find yarn that is not expensive and is really pretty with a nice feel.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Here it is.

 I need to get my final measurements down and print the pattern.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Getting Old An Stuff Like That

 I guess I am not normal.  I am not worried about getting old.  So I get grey hair, everything droops and sags.  It is what it is and that's that.  I get cranky when I see adds for creams and crud and the woman in those adds look like they should be in grade school.
  Ok enough of the crabbing.
  I completed the cart seat cover.  I need to make sure all is good and I will post the pattern.  It fits the grocery carts where I shop.
  It is all pieces and then they are sewn together.  I made chains with a crochet hook for the ties but anything would work.
  Each piece is knit on the long knifty knitter using both sides to make double knit.  Just basic knit.  The front and back pieces are knit with the full loom, the side pieces are knit using 20 pegs on each board.  The leg pieces are knit on 10 pegs and you make three strips.
  I will have the pictures down loaded later today I hope.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Grocery Cart Seat Cover

 I am working on the sides of the seat of the cover.

Knit on the long knifty knitter
double knit a panel 20" long the full width of the loom both rails 30 pegs each then bind off.
Next comes the seat
I attached from the bottom of the piece on the side take the loops and put them on 18 pegs.
wrap the pegs once and flip the loops you placed on the pegs.
then wrap again.
You will make an attached piece on each side 16" long.
That is as far as I am.
The next part will be leg opening and the front and then the ties.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Working On A New Pattern

 I am working on a new pattern for fingerless mittens. I am also making a pair of socks and Pam's shawl. Pam have a vlog on youtube, under Pam Loomer. She also has a group on Google plus.
I know too many projects at once.  I can't help myself.  One is never enough.
 Why is it that when you make a pair of socks, the second one seems to take so much longer? Or at least it does for me.
 I had to close my turkeys up.  The youngest hen that I hatched by herself doesn't want to be a turkey.  She wants to be with the dogs.  I found her sleeping with our dogs in their shed.  She left a mess behind.  If she only would learn to do her business outside.
  This guy likes to come visit.  Blue heron they are water foul and rather large.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I did not go away

I am so tired. I need to take some time out for myself.  I haven't sat down and wrote for awhile.  I have always enjoyed putting down my thoughts, not sure if anyone wants to read them.
  My grandson is growing so fast.  It seems like he just came home from the hospital.  He is five mounts old and a little stinker.
  See how much he has grown.
 I am working on a pair of socks.  I needed a new pair. Yes I am making them for myself. I love handmade socks.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Sick of Being Sick

And a nosy puppy.

I have been fighting a cold since Christmas. I feel just cruddy. I haven't done a lot of looming. I wanted to work on some new patterns but didn't happen. Here is what I did get done.